A little bit about Rebecca

Rebecca is an accredited practising dietitian, and accredited sports dietitian and performance specialist.

Her areas of expertise include:
  • Improving athletic performance
  • Medical conditions requiring nutritional therapy
  • Supporting health and activity with food
  • Disordered eating / eating disorders in athletic population
  • Vegetarian and Vegan eating
  • Pregnancy and post-natal nutrition

Rebecca’s experience over many years of working with people has led to work in a body positive and non-diet space.

Her philosophy:

“Food is to be enjoyed and be used to nourish your body with the things it needs to function well and feel great. There are no “healthy /good” or “unhealthy /bad” foods – there is a place for all foods in routines and it is OK to include some foods just for fun. I help my clients work out and focus on what their body needs and what works best for them.”

Rebecca works with athletes of all levels and ages and genders.

You can be just beginning in the world of sport or be fine tuning for international competition.  She is the provider of Sports and Performance Nutrition services to scholarship holders for Elite Athlete Program at the university of Sydney.

Click here to book an appointment with Rebecca, or call us on 02 9056 0850. To get in contact with Rebecca send an email to  rebecca@rebeccahay.com.au

Rebecca’s services

Sports Dietitian

Sports Dietitian

Long-Term Athlete Development

Long-Term Athlete Development