A little bit about Dave

David graduated from the University of SA in 1999, and has completed a post graduate Masters In Sports Physiotherapy. He is also an ASCA accrediated Level 1 Strength and Conditioning coach.

He has a special interest in lower limb rehabilitation (hip, knee, and ankle), tendon pathologies, and shoulder injuries. As Zone 34’s senior Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist David offers consultations for complex cases and second opinion.

Through our Telehealth service he provides video consultations to basketballers around Australia and Worldwide. This service has proven to be extremely valuable to Australian athletes based in US NCAA College programs.

Information on the management and rehabilitation of common basketball injuries is available on David’s website

Dave is the Head of Medical Services with the Australian Boomers basketball team. Along with providing physiotherapy to the team during camps and tours, the role includes planning and implementation of the high performance program and support services throughout the year.

He is also the Lead Physiotherapist with the Sydney Kings NBL team and UTS sparks Netball team.  He has worked extensively across many sports, including being a physiotherapy provider for Rowing Australia, Sydney University soccer and the Sydney Uni Flames WNBL team.

David presented research abstracts at the 2016 Sports Medicine Australia conference and the 2017 Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference.  He also has been a treating clinician in the FASHiON study, comparing surgical versus conservative management of symptomatic hip femoroacetabular impingement (FAI).

Since 2016 David has been clinical educator for Macquarie University and the University of Sydney, providing placements for under graduate and post graduate physiotherapy students.

Sports Expertise

Dave’s Services

Sports Physiotherapy

Sports Physiotherapy

Force Plate and Dynamometer Testing

Force Plate and Dynamometer Testing

Post Op Rehabilitation

Post Op Rehabilitation

Sport Specific Screenings

Sport Specific Screenings

Return to sport

Return to sport

GLA:D Osteoarthritis Exercise classes

GLA:D Osteoarthritis Exercise classes