A little bit about Katie

Katie graduated from Sydney University in 2004, and completed a Masters in Sports and Exercise Science from La Trobe University in 2015.

She has over 20 years of clinical experience, during which time she has mentored students at both undergraduate and master’s levels. Alongside her role at Zone 34, Katie continues to tutor physiotherapy students at Sydney University.

Katie has a special interest in Dance Physiotherapy. She has worked with the Australian Ballet for over 10 years during their Sydney season, and tutors regularly on Dance Physiotherapy courses. Katie’s passion comes from working with young dancers, and she regularly offers 2 nd opinion consults on complex dance cases. Katie has an established network of Sports Physicians and Orthopaedic Specialists who can contribute meaningfully to individual cases where indicated.

Having worked for years with adolescents, Katie has a particular interest in manual therapy for headaches in this age group. This has expanded to working with adults with the same conditions. Katie is regularly referred to patients by Neurologists to ascertain whether there may be a cervical component to an individual’s headache/migraine experience.

Katie is also a GLA:D certified clinician as well as having experience teaching Pilates in both a rehabilitation and injury prevention capacity.


Katie offers gentle and skilled manual therapy to her clients. Her expert knowledge, evidence-based care, and empathetic approach ensures that her clients feel heard and supported in their rehabilitation journey.


Katie’s Services

Sports Physiotherapy

Sports Physiotherapy

Dance Physiotherapy

Dance Physiotherapy

Group Rehab Classes

Group Rehab Classes

Force Plate and Dynamometer Testing

Force Plate and Dynamometer Testing

Post Op Rehabilitation

Post Op Rehabilitation

Sport Specific Screenings

Sport Specific Screenings

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