A little bit about Nicole

Nic has over 20 years clinical experience as a physiotherapist, and in 2009 completed further post graduate studies through a Masters of Sports Physiotherapy.

Nic has a special interest in Dance Physiotherapy and works closely with individual dancers of all levels, dance schools and is a member of The Australian Ballet Athletic Health Team during their Sydney Seasons. She brings the knowledge and experience of injury management of high performance dance to all levels of dance for all ages.

Nic works closely with dance schools to ensure the safety of all dancers and including The McDonald College in Strathfield. Her experience allows for extensive knowledge of lumbar spine, pelvis, hip, knee, foot and ankle management both in the general and dance populations.

In 2020 Ballet.Physio was launched to provide both face to face and telehealth services to dancers and dance schools around Australia.

A great communicator, Nic takes the time to educate the client about the injury and management process and works closely with other health professionals to ensure that each client’s management plan is tailored to their needs.

She is well known and respected by sports physicians, orthopaedic surgeons, and general practitioners and has extensive experience conducting small group exercise classes, such as Clinical Pilates and GLA:D osteoarthritis programs.

As a  physiotherapist in the FASHiON study Nicole has been actively involved in supporting research comparing surgical versus conservative management of symptomatic hip femoroacetabular impingement (FAI).

Dave and Nic worked together between 2006 -2010.  Dave loved working with Nic so much that he begged her to come all the way to from the Eastern Suburbs to the Inner West!


Nicole’s Services

Sports Physiotherapy

Sports Physiotherapy

Dance Physiotherapy

Dance Physiotherapy

Group Rehab Classes

Group Rehab Classes

Force Plate and Dynamometer Testing

Force Plate and Dynamometer Testing

Post Op Rehabilitation

Post Op Rehabilitation

Sport Specific Screenings

Sport Specific Screenings

Return to sport

Return to sport

GLA:D Osteoarthritis Exercise classes

GLA:D Osteoarthritis Exercise classes

Find out more about Ballet.physio