Special Interest

Our team combine numerous years of experience with having a special interest in certain injuries, which will ensure your provided with high quality care and up-to-date knowledge.

David Hillard, Sports Physiotherapist, has an interest in lower limb rehabilitation and injury prevention, including ACL reconstruction, hamstring tendon repair, hip arthroscope, and ankle surgery.  Gloria Spratt, Hand Therapist, has worked extensively with wrist, hand and finger conditions including fractures and tendon injuries.

The Zone

Our gym space is designed to  allow restoration of mobility, strength and fitness following injury and surgery.  We can teach you how to monitor your recovery through screening tests and strength measures, and then provide a program to address the key components you need.

The Zone is ideal for people who don’t want to sign up for expensive annual gym memberships, but have a need to attend a rehab program in a safe, motivating environment. It is most fun when people team up and work together to push there training and recovery to new levels.


Exercises can range from specific exercises working on activation and control of important muscle groups, to home or  gym based exercises to develop functional muscle strength and power.  Any strength program is only as good as how often you do it!

Our physiotherapists will listen to you so that we tailor your rehab to fit into what you enjoy life, along with the available time you may have. For some people this may mean a couple minutes of exercises randomly during the day, whereas others may thrive in zone 34’s gym space.

Return to sport planning

During your rehabilitation journey we will use reliable and specific measures to guide decision-making on when to progress to modified training, full training, and then returning to play ready to perform.  We can communicate your fitness status with appropriate personnel, such as coaches, personal trainers, gym staff or treating doctors.

Don’t take a risk and hope for the best when returning from injury-see our team to ensure you are physically ready for the demands of your sport.

Zone 34 Clinicians

David Hillard

David Hillard


Nicole Baer

Nicole Baer

Katie Godwin

Katie Godwin

Gloria Spratt

Gloria Spratt

Alice Brown

Alice Brown

Michael Phipps

Michael Phipps


Andy Farley

Andy Farley

Lauren McCaffrey

Lauren McCaffrey

Giselle Rodrigues

Giselle Rodrigues

Women's Health Physiotherapist

Justin To

Justin To

Rebecca Hay

Rebecca Hay

Mia Wood

Mia Wood

David Watts

David Watts

Exercise Physiologist, Strength & Conditioning Coach